Thursday, February 26, 2004

I need to run away high, so I could come home low

Monday, February 23, 2004

I'm not just another pretty face. I just don't really seem to do anything.

My favorite quote;)

Bertolucci's wet "dreamers"

It's a movie about love story between three 20 years old, one guy and one pair of twin girls. Mathew later told Eva, the first time he saw her, he thought she had had lots of lovers. She responsed, laughingly:I was just acting..

Then I thought about Ying, the first time she walked in the meeting room, I felt two seconds of dizziness, more so shocked by her beauty and the way she carries herself. All I wanted to tell her is, don't work too hard, it's time to let life ripe.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Fancinating things I have done in passed two weeks

Newly in touch: Yan Zhu, Dmitry Belogolovsky, Eser Chamoglu, James Hsu, Andrew Walling
VCs I have been talking to: David Guo, Camille D. Samuels; Steve Harrick
Super Girl whom I remotely knew and would like to know more: Ying Lee
Old friends getting back in touch: Yuhui Jin, Lynn Xu, Mathias Brandewinder, Pinpin, Phil, Alex Chan, Kwan Chan, Cecillia Lau, QQ;
"Friends" I am disappointed at: Moto, Bon.

Average sleeping hours in pass two weeks: 4.5
Things achieved: "re-assembly" E-Challenge team, submitted Executive Summary; Refined business idea; Talking to three other people regarding business plan; Collecting potential new team member and prepare for next run idea formulation.

Movie that I loved: Sex and Lucia (Spain)
Movie that I hated: Old school
Movie that I am indifferent: rice bowl?
Movie to watch: Paris' Texas (German)
Job status: stabalize
Action taken: Aerobics classes such Pilates and NIA, rediscover modern dance
Soccer League: could play better
Stranger girls kissed: 2, 1 blonde, 1 brunette
Things to do: organize a mandatory sky diving trip

Saturday, February 21, 2004

I love hearing

"no more war" from a beautiful girl.

Can you find me?

I'm the beautiful guy who danced like nobody watching in this 2004 San Francisco NYE!!!

Something that I love

Watching beautiful people;
Feeling beautiful;
Cuddling to a book or writing in a cold rainy day;
Body movement and lighting;
Browsing old pictures;
Poetic stuff;
Working from home;
Creating new ideas;
Facilitate old ideas;
Building up enterprise;
Writing randomly on my blog;
Competing in sports;
Romantic sex;
Kissing beautiful girl who doesn't know me;
Stage dancing;
Relating to beautiful and intelligent people;
Dancing with at least three glasses of bass;
Helping respectful homeless;
Occasional late night TV watching;
Driving - flying - sailing: anything on move with decent risk;
Photo Shooting beautiful face;
History of mathematics;
Platonic love;

Some words I felt the vibe

To know that even one life has breathed easier because you lived.
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

I am

Strong, and egotistical, haha...

The path to performing arts

From music flow to body motion, different path leads to completely different performing arts, be it aerobics, ball room dancing, circus, ballet or modern dance. Ball room, circus, ballet seem to be most confined for certain types musics, while modern dance tends to explore wider, wilder range of sound. Dancers is no longer just an instrument, they are the brain and control center, the strength and angles of human body are maximly explored to express the meaning of beats and melody behind such. Still, it's not easy to define the types of modern dance, it's almost as easy to creat my own style as betraying the essence of it, the line is thin to cross. Maybe that's the beauty of lackness of defintion, comparing to other dancing style. I find it the best name for, say, a trained free style movement. I am questing for that best flow from musical notes to flying shadows. It is easy to start from 80's rock, but it's a bit too well defined, lack of gothicness (is there such word?), lack of randomness; I like Moby's music, definetely alternative, random, yet popular.


Lena is a friend of my best friend, she is sexy, flertatious, smart. She thinks I am selfish, not easy going, even still a nice guy! Interesting. We closely talked for about 5 minutes. I asked for her opinion. BTW, she had a very bad day and I obviously didn't show to care about that. Good to know.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Analog Thinking

Hi, Sorry for flooding:

Forget about what we have written, let's go back to origin, I find following points are true and I am facinated by that:
1. Students and Alumni market: it's a very attractive market to address.
2. Knowledge networking: there got to be value for hidden knowledge among this hidden network. Think about hundreds of on campus event on all kinds of workshop, company presentations, alumni social. Many of them are of great value, such on ETL online, and today's "how to present to VC" workshop. Think again: so few people have the previllege to access them: that's not right!! Imagine, people from other school are aware of these event, they would most likely make their favorable choices. Hence, knowledge is HUGE, there is demand. What we talked before in our Executive Summery probably looked only at very limited knowledge. Or, we didn't even clarify the CONCRETE plan for such knowledge network, we only said: there are knowledge to be shared, not what they are, not how to share.

One example: how about Vedio workshop on Entreprenurship, on "One day at work in I-Bank", on "First day at Oxford" for overseas, etc. etc. How about put those content online for people to share? I am sure there will be corporate sponsor feeling the vibe...

Again, there are definetely things to be done in a much BETTER way to deliver information across the campus,state, national boundary for EDUCATIONAL purpose. We need to figur out One Solution

3. Dmitry was right, think about Google! They figure out one way to search online, money come later in a way founder never expected. Similar here, If we can make "knowledge sharing" for students more vivid, more instantaneous, more responsive, that is the Eureka moment!

Think again about Paypal: What is it anyway!! A "bored out of mind" way to exchange money! I don't think its founder had better GPA than our founder Yuhui, who has a Stanford 4.0 GPA! They are not smarter in my opinion. But they think hard, and dig deep. If I asked you 6 years ago: let's do something online so you can pay me back the lunch $5, you will laugh your ass off. But we know there are much more for people to change money than just paying back lunch money. So it flied!

In our cases, you don't know how the knowledge, information will be exchanged/traded, maybe only between students, maybe between schools, that will be bigger. Maybe between schools and corporations, that's even bigger...Will it fly? I don't know, but We got to try! I can gurantee you with my 30 years life that it will be exciting and interesting.

Think again EBay. How did they start? If you asked me, I really don't have much stuff to sell, and I don't care to sell my used stinking socks! But there are somebody else does, the Ebay founder is such. There are millions people in the world. That is what makes it interesting.

So, let's get on the ride, buckle up. It would be a fun journey.


Wax? For what?

It's a sunny morning, Yeah!! The ground, trees, roof are all still wet. The mood from last night are still hoovering around my mind. What better time to turn on Sarah No Name's morning show!!! Talking about this show, it kept cracking me up for as long as I started to listen, which could trace back in booming 2000. Don't know how the topic switched to wax this morning, yeah, the hot wet wax that women have other women do to themselves. Sarah claimed waxing is on top of all cracks, more than wearing thong, piercing nipple etc., and she will never do waxing at all. No name was like, waxing so what? It's just doing stuff to your junk, he meant her private part. Anyways, this woman called in telling about her horrible experience to go in a shop do waxing. The staff lady lifted her legs all the way up in the air, forming a V shape, started throbbing that part, then she went out to open the shop's door greeting other customers, left poor girl's leg V-shaped all that time...who would do that?

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

A little memory and a little pain

It hasn't been raining so much lately, I don't recall many occasions when I need to have a rain coat walking from car to any covered building. It's not today's bay area: it feels more like northwest. What better weather to sit in a modern dance lecture brought from a New York dance scholar, along with many who love the rthym of body movement, in a cozy rainy evening? Lydia IMed me, probably she saw my IM account appearing to be online, which is not unusal, more because I just switched to XP, not quite familiar with all the bells and whistles. Anyway, she wrote me, we chatted, it seemed nothing happened. She still calls me sunshine, even asking me for recent pictures, even sending me her recent pictures, even I am not asking for. She is like before, remember more details when we were together than I do, she dyed her hair into blonde, more of 60's style, shadowed by her narrow east european face and blue eyes, surprisingly stunning. I remember one occassion when we went to Bush street at San Francisco two years ago for a musical festival, she was that stunning, and she holded my hands tightly through the happy hour's crowd, and loud music. I felt more like a boy spoiled in eternal love, only to find envious expression on many people's face when they looked us. After her, I have not had any relationship, I wonder why? She asked whether she made me hate all women, followed by a long "LOL" from my side: no! I love women. Probably I love them too much, probably that is the problem? Who said sunken rock can remove all the memory? Maybe only in those sunny days.

Eternal bachelor

Is it a cool name or what?

Saturday, February 14, 2004

What happened in the past weeks is pure amazing

Exactly one week ago, I felt frustrated, my plan was interrupted, I lost faith in some of my "friends". I didn't know what to do. There was no team, no plan of action, and the deadline was approaching. However I did one thing: believing in myself. I made a call to a long time friend yuhui, a computer science PhD candidate at Stanford and told him my business idea. It was a Sunday evening, he had no clue about what and where I have ever been in the past two years. However he was captured by the motivation behind the idea: here came the new engiene that has been driving us to work our butt off in the past week. We met every single night at Tresiddar to brainstorm and draft the excutive summery. We talked to many people to get the feeling of what we set out to do. It does make sense. People can get affected by your passion when you have faith. Dimette, a Russian computer major Junior, who was funny, light hearted, whose sweater heartlessly exposes the hairy chest, offered his "bootstrap" idea that quickly beat us down to the underground: our idea of revenue model that we felt happy with did not make sense at all!!! We felt frustrated, there were less than 24 hours before the deadline and we got almost completely lost. Friends was important, partnership was important. However the most important is not to give up, know what you want to do and stick to it. I did exactly that and we came up with a convincing business model that both of us felt so passionate about. With an almost a three conference call, we finished up excutive summery 11:55 and electronically submitted it 11:56, three minutes before the deadline of 11:59 pm of Feb. 12! Everything came together live! I even repeatly think we are really setting out to do something great! Isn't that wonderful? Hey I don't even feel bad at all with no Valentine in Valentine's day. Well, not exactly, but I know I will have someone to love soon. I just feel it:)

Sex and Lucia: a crown of Spain's movie

Beautiful sound track, beautiful people, beautiful life, my all time favorite foreign movie

Saturday, February 07, 2004

My favorite friend

Lynn is still my favorite friend, she is just so relentlessly unususal, unconventional, energetic, naive, driven. Every time I talked to her, it feels I am talking to a me in the mirror, only wilder, happier. She convinces me in her way that I am a valuable person, that I am cool, that I am a dreamer in a good sense, that what I dream will become true someday. She soothes me everytime I felt down. I am very happy to have a friend like her.


Somehow, a fun ski trip turned out to be a messy, disorganized, disappointing event. It's hard to say whose fault it is. Some people want to do lot of things at the same time, people come at different times, leave differently, some people have their ideas about where to ski, as opposed to one destination. Yes, it was fun to ski or snowboard. But it was not to lose friends, interrupt plans, and have people bail out. I didn't stay in the same ride with some people, there are many reasons I couldn't, first people have to click, sometime I don't feel comfortable with people who don't make efforts to befriends, I am a flexible person, I can go anywhere to ski to have a good time instead of some set in the stone place that I have to go, you might have those in mind, but it would be much easier for others to accept it if they are conveyed such that it doesn't appear to be an order. What shoud I say? I spent $300 and lost faith in couple of friends and have an important plan completely destroyed. Probably not, historically, I often outperform or suprise people when others bail out, quit, or have no faith in me. I have faith in myself and I will do it all alone: building up the teams, finish the business plan, find the funding, make things happen. Only me can change my destiny. So, friends, business, relationships, it all start from 2004.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Love is a process of discovery

Quoted from a searching fellow. Finding a person who talks your "language" is something I can't get enough of. On the long ride from one valley to another, I had chance talking to two friends on the same ride about their thoughts about happiness. Lately, I have been very focused on finding what life means to different people. This finding process is not a studied field, not an industry, not a profession, but it's a subject lingering in everyone's mind, even we don't realize it. Are people afraid of opening up their heart? Are people into BS their way through life? If not, why are so many people spending so much time hiding themselves under something that they are not? Is it the sooner the better for a person to know oneself? Could it be done? How can I help?

The perfect snowflake

I was sitting on the lift bench of Kirkwood valley ski resorts: I heard it's notoriously windy, notoriously full of good skiiers, notoriously cozy, its lift bench is notoriously fast and pushy, which is where I was sitting on. Bored and frozen, I started to count how many snow flakes on my jacket, I don't remember last time I ever obeserved one piece of snow flake so closely that I actually knew the shape of it, which was I was doing on that freezing ski lift bench: it's a perfect shape of the snow flake described in textbook, so perfect that It looked more like a crisytal piece of art than just one of the billions snow drops floating in the sky. That becomes the perfect image of the day.

Interestingly, even lot of things happened during this weekend's ski trip, there are only two images in my mind about it that makes me feel worthwhile, the hevenly board of California and Navada and the long freezing snowy ride on the kirkwood lift.