Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New: and my car what?

"Dude, where is my car?" That is the first thing I said in front of my girlfriend this Chinese New Year day's morning once I got out of my apartment building! I was supposed to give her a lift to office but ended up not finding my car.

It turned out some guy called car towing service and got my car towed the Chinese New Year Eve at 10pm, the whole deal cost me $330 including the "storage" cost.

Isn't this world a cruel place to live in? A mistake along the way other people will take action against me without considering problems causing to potential victims.

In this case, it was not even a mistake. It's a tight park space in front of my apt building which is occupied EVERY DAY! And there is no sign whatsoever indicating construction. In fact there was no construction at all. Even as I am speaking (or writing this post) there is still a 4-door sedan in that space. And mine was a compact one: VW Jetta Turbo! Who does that? Have they not heard of "Karma"?

I am preparing bunch of photo "evidences" to make the appeal. Such a hassle, as if I have time to deal with it. But still.

Happy Chinese New Year!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Passion is not a topic

I found myself lying in bed discussing profound "passion" with my gf. She thinks passion could be nurtured toward any topics, the important thing is to nurture the dedication, hence the interestingness to any topic one involves him/herself with. She thinks there is no "magic" passion for anyone. And one should not get stuck to search for that non-existent, magic passion/topic. The success comes from following certain topic (which might not be a perfect "hobby", or "interest" or passion" at the first place) and dedicate your energy/time to it so much that new things will be discovered: and when that happens, you will have found your passion. 

Isn't this a new way looking at "passion"? It's easier, it's more realistic. 

Love actually: 5 years gone by

Love actually: the movie was on TV last night. It reminded me those days 5 years ago when I watched the movie in a cinema nearby to my place, either alone or with someone. 5 years are gone by and many things have changed. Friends got married and we are getting older. I am on a slow but progressive positive path to somewhere better. But I am unsure.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year 2009

6 weeks of holiday is over by now. NYE was spent poking balloons at a big party event that I have attended three times in the past 5 years. 5 years! Half a decade! New Year 2004 was spent there with lot of single friends, many female friends, drinks, dances, laughs. 5 years later, all of them have disappeared from my life and only thing left was brian my friend for years and I: we are still not married, and he is still very single. 2008 was a great year for him and for me. When it comes to love life, I am a bit ahead of him. I often ponder: is there "the one" for each one in this world? If there is, am I feeling it? If I am not feeling it, am I not on the right track? We are solidly mid-30s now, in another few years before we know, we will head into 40, shcking! The window of opportunity for anything seems closing, I am no longer living a life full of dreams.