Saturday, February 14, 2004

What happened in the past weeks is pure amazing

Exactly one week ago, I felt frustrated, my plan was interrupted, I lost faith in some of my "friends". I didn't know what to do. There was no team, no plan of action, and the deadline was approaching. However I did one thing: believing in myself. I made a call to a long time friend yuhui, a computer science PhD candidate at Stanford and told him my business idea. It was a Sunday evening, he had no clue about what and where I have ever been in the past two years. However he was captured by the motivation behind the idea: here came the new engiene that has been driving us to work our butt off in the past week. We met every single night at Tresiddar to brainstorm and draft the excutive summery. We talked to many people to get the feeling of what we set out to do. It does make sense. People can get affected by your passion when you have faith. Dimette, a Russian computer major Junior, who was funny, light hearted, whose sweater heartlessly exposes the hairy chest, offered his "bootstrap" idea that quickly beat us down to the underground: our idea of revenue model that we felt happy with did not make sense at all!!! We felt frustrated, there were less than 24 hours before the deadline and we got almost completely lost. Friends was important, partnership was important. However the most important is not to give up, know what you want to do and stick to it. I did exactly that and we came up with a convincing business model that both of us felt so passionate about. With an almost a three conference call, we finished up excutive summery 11:55 and electronically submitted it 11:56, three minutes before the deadline of 11:59 pm of Feb. 12! Everything came together live! I even repeatly think we are really setting out to do something great! Isn't that wonderful? Hey I don't even feel bad at all with no Valentine in Valentine's day. Well, not exactly, but I know I will have someone to love soon. I just feel it:)


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