Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Weblog revisit

Weblog has been hot, very hot. It's been estimated that 10,000 new blogs come online each day. Industry claims it's the newest and "futurest" media publishing way. It seems like you are either in, or out, dead, period. Things happen for reasons. People have something to say, it may or maynot be valuable to others. But that is the fact. Most of people want their voice to be heard, opinion listened, email replied etc. That's how this blog thing came to birth at first place. Now people see it's getting popular, everyone tries to get their own kingdom up and running. Hence it leads to today's wild wild west for online jounal world. It surprisingly resembles the peer to peer music transferring service led by Napster half a dacade back. It's not hard to recall that wild wild west of online music sharing world. People find a good reason for it to be existing, however they can't find a good way to support it, cracked down by music recording industry giants and law makers, they dimished. They might still exist but it's no more a phenomenon, until Apple came up with iPod and iTune. The idea is simple, wrap all music up in one store and get people pay for what they need, link some more valuable (iPod) to what they need, sell them, profit from them.

Could somebody do something to make weblog a knowledge space where people benefit from each others? Could weblog hosts benefit from doing so? Can we wrap the relevant information under one umbrella much like what Apple does in iTune? People need to jump out of the box and see how it really looks like. That is what I am doing now.


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