Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Wax? For what?

It's a sunny morning, Yeah!! The ground, trees, roof are all still wet. The mood from last night are still hoovering around my mind. What better time to turn on Sarah No Name's morning show!!! Talking about this show, it kept cracking me up for as long as I started to listen, which could trace back in booming 2000. Don't know how the topic switched to wax this morning, yeah, the hot wet wax that women have other women do to themselves. Sarah claimed waxing is on top of all cracks, more than wearing thong, piercing nipple etc., and she will never do waxing at all. No name was like, waxing so what? It's just doing stuff to your junk, he meant her private part. Anyways, this woman called in telling about her horrible experience to go in a shop do waxing. The staff lady lifted her legs all the way up in the air, forming a V shape, started throbbing that part, then she went out to open the shop's door greeting other customers, left poor girl's leg V-shaped all that time...who would do that?


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