Sunday, July 31, 2005


Everything has a rythm. The question is how to find it. Today I finally found the rythm of windsurfing. It's so exciting to "plain" in a 20 miles/hr speed and felt relaxed. It's all about the technique. Stripe is extremely critical. And I totally trusted my body instead of arms: meaning I lean my entire body as far away from Sail as possible, as paralla to the water as I can. At one point, I got so much splash that I couldn't open my eyes. And I used my legs as a spring to bounce off some of the pressure put on the boards by the huge waves (today it was really windy and the water was very choppy). I thought I might have lost passion for windsurfing. Obviously I found it back.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Jerry Mecquire

"I love the man he wanted to be, I love the man he almost is..."

B-Day party at Shoreline

Today is the big b-day party for Pinpin, Rafael, and me. I shared my business idea (or my with friends and it absolutely impressed everybody. I was surprised to see people's reaction to it but I am very excited.

Speaking about the gift, I got a card and and gift coupon from Phil. He chose some card with Dilbert cartoon on named "Happy Birthday to a guy who thinks outside the box": is that the impression I left with people? That's great!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Howard Stern show

I have watched Howard Stern show on and off occasionally, to be honest, I feel he is a VERY decent person and I have never been offended at all. I do not know why people think he is nasty. And I am quite conservative...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Meet Phil

Everyone thinks they are born to be a rock star instead of working 9 to 5. IT is such a job from 9 to 5 for some nerd who often laugh behind the screen alone. Maybe it's a rock star kind of job for real geeks. But, Phil is not a real geek, he is not even close.

About half a year ago, the smiley face, deligent, nerdy looking IT guy (forgot his name) left for Arizona's warm weather and cheaper housing. He was good. Then completely bald out of hell 350 lbs Anthony took the job and he proved himself geeky but not nerdy. One day, we saw a middle aged guy with confusing looks and shining head&shoulder hair wandering aimlessly in and out of office: I thought he was our new janitor or facility guy, well, close enough. Meet phil, the new IT guy. Phil is confused all the time, if you have a question and approach him, he will search the hell out of his pockets and brings up tons of wrinkled paper stickers written with all kinds of junk, by him. He is like, "well, I don't have a good enough memory to keep track everyone's request so I thought I will rather deal with it through paper stickers, I know, it looks pretty dumm". Hello? yeah, it does!

Today, finally I got time to turn in my application for new memory for my slowy laptop. Guess what, Phil showed up, no ESD wires or professional looking tool set, just Phil, his confused looks, low voice, and dark humor. Oh, and my memory chip. He came to my cube, and I stood up, he said:"you can sit". "where are you gonna sit?" "It's too small here, I am gonna sit at Joanne's cube". I almost laughed. Come on it's just memory, I can do it within 10 seconds myself. Then he moved my laptop and took up bunch of junk out of his pocket, without any ESD protection, he opened up my memory door and start digging...I felt like some trash pickying guy cooking for me without washing his hand...disgusting. But he managed it anyway, through the remote memory he has, and tons of wrinkled paper stickers.

Phil knows nothing about computer, let alone the term IT. I don't know where the hell they found such a person. He should be in a soup opera, or sit com, or best of all, blue collar TV. Poor Phil.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Quiet weekend

I thought it would never get hot in bay area but I was wrong. Rarely chcking temperature meter, it told me, however, this saturday it was 100 F at 4pm, and I jumped into the swimming pool for the first time of the year (excluding for dozen times windsurfing falling into ocean water). For two days, I did not start the car engine, stayed at home and spent time to observe what our backyard has to offer. I discovered a few new things about living alone and sharing with friend. My mom gave me a few inspirations on our LiveNshare project. Yuhui and I spent an hour and a half to sync up the progress and to-do-list for LiveNshare. I resisted "basic instinct" to drive all the way up to berkeley for windsurfing. I listend to my heart: stay at home, spend time with yourself, quietly. Read the books you are supposed to read, and find a few new ones. I discovered the sun light's pattern while lying on hammock reading and chatting with friends. I found out the cozy hide out of Billy's while she was normally forced out. In the past year, we had two new neighbors next to our left and right. One family next to my private entrance is a very vibrant one: there is almost live music, bbq smoke nearly every week, sometime even at weekend. One time the hostess celebrated her 50 years birthday by inviting tons of people and a live band. Our little street in front of us was so packed up it reminded me the word "foliage" that, Gaia, once used to describe.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Too much swear

I think I might have yelled too much "F***" word today to the poor guy who provoked me all the time while playing soccer: I am the most athletic guy on the field and one of the best players, and I am humble, nice to people: that's what makes me mad when stupid people don't know what they are doing and talk too much. I think the last word I yelled at him from 20 yards away was "get the f***ing ball out, you f***ing idiot!" I felt ok with that since he is a pain on the ass. He is a big mouth, ugly, fat, clumsy and thinks he can play soccer, but he can not.

Maybe I am arrogant inside of me that I shows clearly to people but I don't feel it? I have always been nice, humble to people especially those who are older, powerless, weak. But I don't give an inch to people who shows ignorance and pointlessly arrogant for nothing.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Stripe search finale

I always made the right choice, about who will be the next cut. This time, I was right again, Brian, the guy who is tall, has a hobby of "sex", is a person of bitterness, I saw that out from the first glance. He is the last cut. I just knew it.

Old movie revisit

"The lover". Movie about a love story set in French colonial Vietnam in 1929 where a 32 yrs old Chinese aristocrat fell in love with a 15 yr old French girl. It's emotionally unforgettable, and sizzling sexy. That's the movie everyone who loves the love story should watch.

Female celebrity I want to meet

How can I forget Liz Phair!!

Poor black bears

Channel 8 broadcasted the poor situations at lot of chinese bear farms where bears are used to as source of bear liver liquid for human's so called "health" benefit". It's so cruel that it's hard to digest something like that. For those who would like to help out, click here

Monday, July 04, 2005

Thoughts on July 4th

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."
- Teddy Roosevelt, Sorbonne, 1910

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Gorgeous actress that I want to meet

Alicia Silverstone, Brigitte Chingxia Lin, Chilin Kuan.