Thursday, July 28, 2005

Meet Phil

Everyone thinks they are born to be a rock star instead of working 9 to 5. IT is such a job from 9 to 5 for some nerd who often laugh behind the screen alone. Maybe it's a rock star kind of job for real geeks. But, Phil is not a real geek, he is not even close.

About half a year ago, the smiley face, deligent, nerdy looking IT guy (forgot his name) left for Arizona's warm weather and cheaper housing. He was good. Then completely bald out of hell 350 lbs Anthony took the job and he proved himself geeky but not nerdy. One day, we saw a middle aged guy with confusing looks and shining head&shoulder hair wandering aimlessly in and out of office: I thought he was our new janitor or facility guy, well, close enough. Meet phil, the new IT guy. Phil is confused all the time, if you have a question and approach him, he will search the hell out of his pockets and brings up tons of wrinkled paper stickers written with all kinds of junk, by him. He is like, "well, I don't have a good enough memory to keep track everyone's request so I thought I will rather deal with it through paper stickers, I know, it looks pretty dumm". Hello? yeah, it does!

Today, finally I got time to turn in my application for new memory for my slowy laptop. Guess what, Phil showed up, no ESD wires or professional looking tool set, just Phil, his confused looks, low voice, and dark humor. Oh, and my memory chip. He came to my cube, and I stood up, he said:"you can sit". "where are you gonna sit?" "It's too small here, I am gonna sit at Joanne's cube". I almost laughed. Come on it's just memory, I can do it within 10 seconds myself. Then he moved my laptop and took up bunch of junk out of his pocket, without any ESD protection, he opened up my memory door and start digging...I felt like some trash pickying guy cooking for me without washing his hand...disgusting. But he managed it anyway, through the remote memory he has, and tons of wrinkled paper stickers.

Phil knows nothing about computer, let alone the term IT. I don't know where the hell they found such a person. He should be in a soup opera, or sit com, or best of all, blue collar TV. Poor Phil.


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