Sunday, July 24, 2005

Quiet weekend

I thought it would never get hot in bay area but I was wrong. Rarely chcking temperature meter, it told me, however, this saturday it was 100 F at 4pm, and I jumped into the swimming pool for the first time of the year (excluding for dozen times windsurfing falling into ocean water). For two days, I did not start the car engine, stayed at home and spent time to observe what our backyard has to offer. I discovered a few new things about living alone and sharing with friend. My mom gave me a few inspirations on our LiveNshare project. Yuhui and I spent an hour and a half to sync up the progress and to-do-list for LiveNshare. I resisted "basic instinct" to drive all the way up to berkeley for windsurfing. I listend to my heart: stay at home, spend time with yourself, quietly. Read the books you are supposed to read, and find a few new ones. I discovered the sun light's pattern while lying on hammock reading and chatting with friends. I found out the cozy hide out of Billy's while she was normally forced out. In the past year, we had two new neighbors next to our left and right. One family next to my private entrance is a very vibrant one: there is almost live music, bbq smoke nearly every week, sometime even at weekend. One time the hostess celebrated her 50 years birthday by inviting tons of people and a live band. Our little street in front of us was so packed up it reminded me the word "foliage" that, Gaia, once used to describe.


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