Tuesday, December 23, 2003

One step in between

Good and bad, right or wrong, favorite or annoying, The gap between such opposite image sometime seems trivial, so trivial that one doesn't realize it until it's been done, said, or even regretted. Take website design as an example, it seems that successful entity often has a sense of prestige. The get by web presence is often taken by many business entities who are only after transaction and ignore the essence of realizing it: optimal customer experience. The care and attention put in a good web design flows instantaneously at the moment it's clicked. For the knowledge commerce business model, I emphasize very much on the prestige, credit that are shown throughout the web presence and assure the site visitors a strong feeling of prestige before further click through. I particularly favor the web design by Yale, Harvard, Stanford, or even MIT. Brown and Caltech also did a good job. Columbia is catching up. U Penn goes to the public in terms of image design. Carnegie Mellon sucks! A prestigeous sense of design doesn't just come from simplistic image, sometime it often involves authority. You can't expect a very artisticly designed website (Yale is very close to that end) to be impeccable top school that everyone is talking about. In that sense, Harvard and Stanford are definetely the leaders. Their web precense represent the reputation, the prestige, and most of the authority that is the ultimate selling point at the end of day. Therefore, in my opinion, top design comes from realizing the authority through optimal structured dots that are eventually connect everything, so to achieve the momentum. Yes, the money that is involved between an ok website and an elegant one might not be huge, but the experience is two different world. It's like Valley Fair and Stanford Shopping Mall, who do you prefer. No questions asked!

Friday, December 19, 2003

I was still a virgin, 10 years ago

That's right! "That 1994 feeling" on Salon.com reminded me for the first time of my life that 1994 has actually become a symbol of history to me. It more feels like 1969, like what "hotel California" sings; or 1984, like my all time favorite dancing club at Francisco. Before we hit 2004, it's always safe to feel 1994 is still new generation, it's still safe to claim class of 1994 as young alumni. Would it change? I was using 286 PC back in those days and coded in black and white screen using assembly. I didn't know there was HTML but people are working on that. In 10 years from now on, what will I realize I didn't know something that others were working on? I was wondering if there is a supernatural way to explore the new wave thoughts. I don't know what I am writing about, this sucks!

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Something about Sauna

First of all, I am not sure if I spell Sauna correctly. It looks alright. Second of all, I never really recall how sweat was "pinched" out of my skin by the malicious heat rising up from the stone. Third of all, it's odd sitting in Sauna, especially when you are sorrounded by hairy chobby bodies and stranger's cocks, I don't mean friends are ok: it's NOT ok to be sorrounded by such thing at all. But that's how it is at Sauna. The air is dry, hot (F185 degree), living on Mars must be painful, just wondering why human are so curious to conquer Mars, which sucks more than Sauna. The air feels salty, especially when I tried to breath through mouth, make me feel like to toguing around my lip just to find where the salt is. When people are naked, it's very true about "all men are born equal", I just couldn't tell rich and poor. I don't know why that's the first thing I want to tell. Maybe I am too shallow? Whatever...Going back to not being comfortable with naked meat, this guy today at YMCA is outrageously open, he is like spreading out his legs, like at least 150 degree in front of every other naked soul, who were coverring themselves to some certain degrees, only this guy talked like he is watching baseball game while drinking cheap bear. And he looked at you while talking, what should you do? looking back? On what? But strangely, it opens up you a little bit, people seem to be more comfortable with being naked while talking to each other with a guy like that provoking in the air. Finally, I find myself completely beried in millions drops of sweat emerged from my body fat, which is almost zero, feeling I could no longer stand the heat, I stand up covering with towel and move out. I am definetely not pro-nudity. For those who suffered reading all wrongly spelled words, I appologize, sincerely.

Monday, December 08, 2003

Last Samurai

"I will (kill the white men, even they were my own kind ), if they were to destroy what I come to love."
"He was doing his duty, and you did yours"
"Tell me how he died" the emporor asked.
"No, I will tell you how he lived"

It's a movie that's longlasting, beautiful. I love it.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Being told gorgeous is beautiful...

Until then, I never thought of how gorgeous models live their lives, Stephen Covey suggests people to "expand your perspectives" with "the end in mind". Now I am trying to visualize me being a model and hearing people telling how gorgeous I am. Would I take the god given gift for granted? One thing I know is I feel more confidence after being told gorgeous. Things I don't know is until what point that confidence will pile up to a level that I will feel on top of the world, maybe lose my perspectives? So being a beautiful movie star or model is not just a flashy experience, it added huge amount of responsibility for one not to be over confident and spread meaningless words to those who can be influenced by such figure. Being a star is not easy. Being a star oneself is probably more than one full time job could handle, if spoken from normal sense.

I think I am mature enough to talk about visulization and imagination. However I have to admit, even days after what happened at Cat of SF, the way she approached me and told me I was gorgeous still blew me away. In a guys packed bay area, there is no way, in my mind, for a beautiful sexy white girl to approach an asian guy and tell him how gorgeous he is: that is what she did to me. I was in a business casual with loosed tie, and a naughty hat on top of my head, and was busy talking to a new friend whom I just knew, all of sudden, she came from nowhere and tap on my arm and said "I just want to let you know how gorgeous you are!" She looked at me, I didn't know what to do, I guess I was just sillily happy to hear that without realizing maybe I could do more? She continued "I have a boyfriend otherwise I will..."She continue talking but I didn't really hear what she said with that level of music in the background. All of sudden, I remembered just minutes ago, a girl grabbed me from crowd to dance with her, although she didn't really introduce her to me afterward, so I left her. Is that because I look good, I still quite remember she through a couple glances toward my direction checking out what I was doing. But I am so not used to initiate the conversation with girls. Later that night, another girls came to me for gum, obviously I didn't have it.

Oops, it's been a while

So, what's new? Let's say, it's been 10 days since last post, work hasn't been busy enough to keep me away from my labtop. Neither do friends. Portland at Thanksgiving time turns out to be a blast, especially staying with whole bunch of travellers and talking to strangers, although I only got a glimpse of how mountain hood resembles mountain Fuji, it's already breathtaking just to actually seeing that landscape from the distance. With a midsize downtown, Portland is definetely on my top list of being vibrant, culture oriented. I can even imagine to actually living there with a decent job, given I get to live in one of those Victorian style's apartment with walking distance to downtown. Well, that trip added 1500 miles to my brand new turbo Jetta, it did spin better than before, which is quite amazing. I was exhausted, tried to avoid the last run of Thanksgiving homecoming traffic, I finally managed to arrive messy home when Leland and his wife were waiting to help me move. Yes, after driving 12 hours, I nonstopply moved to a new place located Mountain view's Grant street, a street with my name...

With that all being said, I am actually happy with my new place. How so? I even plan to add several pieces of new furnitures just to make it feel more like a home, at the moment, all my books, toys are still packed in 7 moving boxes. But I am not in a hurry, surprisingly, YMCA's full loaded facility is just two blocks away, I rather spend a couple nights practicing my arm and breast muscle in the heated swimming pool, than shopping for the bookcase or shelfs.

It's been rainy the whole week since I am back in bay area, which prevented me from "investigating" our new backyard, for which I do have a nice view from my room's window, It is quite nice, with fruit trees, inviting benches, and golden leaves. There is no more traffic noise, which drove me nearly crazy.

I guess blogger is not a place to put down whole bunch of crap at once. I shall add some more in couple more minutes to next one...