Two Yahoo Posts
I found these two posts entertaining and useful
About relationship
About career
Yahoo's rolling featured stories worked! When it comes to a community site, important thing is to have rolling, constantly refreshing content.
March Madness and April fool
Let me think, what has happened since my last post? Community site has launched, web revenue is not growing, FAI soccer team formed but lost all three games in big deficit, I invested in Apple and STP, it returned 30%+ in one month, working relationship with colleagues has its up and down, I started Triathlon training, bought a swimming book and started free style, bought a mountain bike, hiking boots, biking gears, did a 30 mile dirt biking, visited Sausalito, had pizza at my favorite Giovanni Pizza, started to think more about long term prosperity, friendship, love, parents, definitely feeling old, saw people fall in and out of love, make love, engage, kiss by the window, life happens around me but nothing happened to me. A bit sad.