An insight well said: rare
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And he paused to consider another question from Andrew: "How do you become a good scientist?"
Kaiser's answer was simple. Follow your passion.
"It's your own nature telling you what you like to think about," Kaiser said. "It's your source of creativity. If you have fun doing it, and have some success in doing it, ordinarily you keep doing it until you run out of time."
A quote of wisdom
“Fatima has shown me that life is what we make of it. Don’t just imagine your dreams, go out and conquer them,” says Jordan.
What have I learned in one week.
Fate continues to tell me that my destiny resides in entrepreneurship.
I have since learned two completely different subjects: machine learning powered personal online shopping and green-tech.
I started the week with a talk with my developer regarding a casual Google map app that I wanted to push out, which brought another interesting subjects: online shopping. I have done extensive research on the current online shopping market and decide to combine discount shopping with credit social projects together for an eventually deal-crawling-feeding-engine/site/social network.
Then I found, then I also found an even cooler online shopping engine, a group of truly hardcore machine learning/software engineer dealing with utmost girly task: shopping. Kabooble existed since late 2005, has been extremely successful, while stylefeeder started from mid-2006, with modest to accelerating growth, both thanks to their social elements, firefox widget and complicated behavior pattern recognition technology in the backend;, on the other hand, seems to be struggling because its lack of focus on social element, and too much relying objects, instead of human behavior pattern. I like Kaboodle's "helping me choose products", and style feeder's super smart shopping twin technology. Very very cool, both of the sites.
Then I came across green-tech, first through, then it opened a profound pandora's box: I just realized how big green-tech/eco-related business/space has already become, it's unfolding in a speed faster than online video sites two years ago. Josh Dorfman's and are very interesting efforts he put up in the recent years, and he is my age. I was thinking about green credit card, have not heard of that too often.
Lot of things going on in the world, I need to stick to my direction and get busy.
Anja Volkman had a photo taken with me
Today it's first day of heavy rain in bay area for 6 months, it felt refreshing, good. Today, I witnessed the beauty of Anja Volkman, the front girl of punk rock band Nico Vega in San Francisco, she was gorgeous, she was nice, she danced her own little dance, she jumped off stage dancing right in front of audience, she crawled on the floor, then she raised her eyelid, and my eyes collided with hers, I felt a blush on my face, she was gorgeous...after the performance, I was chitchatting with the lead guitarist guy and she walked over to him, and we exchanged a few conversation, she asked my name, I asked hers, we hugged, had our photo taken together. Two days ago, I would never imagine that spontaneous girl of Nico Vega will be right in front of my eye and we would chat, photograph. But it all happened. I love her!
Bubble Lounge and the city
I have heard a lot about bubble lounge in downtown area. It's high end, yuppie, claiming expansive price tag (30% more expansive on any alcohol than regular club/bar). But man, how people crave high end: I walked in around 9:30 when it was relatively quiet, a few groups of people (mostly in mid 20 to late 30s range) were quietly mingling, bartenders have a lot time to entertain /serve everyone quickly; by 11:30pm it started to get crowded, by 12am, it's so busy you won't even get to the edge of the bar without waiting for 20 min.
I was in a relative good mood that day, having spent almost entire week in the city, I have to admit that I like the buzzing social theme everywhere I go: more stylish people, more mingling, more flirting, more life. Thursday nite at cat a girl named Elizabeth made out with me so intense that was something I have not done for quite a while. She was artsy type of girl, dark hair, hourglass body hidden in her low key sweater and skinny black jeans were pumped by her voluptuous leg, yet she looked fine. Her beautiful busty soft breasts pressed tightly against my body, when music and us were high, I buried my face into her milky breasts and almost forgot about everything else. "you are fine" she said to me. We danced, she cramped my leg underneath her split, I could not help to have a rush of blood into my manhood and it is so hard on against her thigh, I can feel the intense throbbing against her vagina through her tight Jeans, she enjoyed. "do you want to hang sometime?" I asked. She laughed "maybe". She asked "are you straight?" I told her "straight as arrow". I then slowly but firmly grabbed her booty, I felt her lust through her ample booty. She must have felt my hard on.
Another good news is I may finally take up an interesting job in the SoMa area and eventually move up to the city before the year end, quite exciting.
Going back to Friday's nite at bubble lounge, if Elizabeth was about sexual desire. Carmen is a whole new domain. Cute bartender served me very well with a pink Caribbean champagne in a sexy high leg glass, I was taking a few sips, looking around; A tall good looking white guy were with about 5 girls by the bar, seemingly on an afterwork happy hour; A penetrating flirtatious glimpse caught my escaping glance, I took about a second and moved my glance back at that glimpse: it was a pair of beautiful eyes of a dark featured (maybe partial Indian descent) girl among those 5 girls, intuitively, I raised closer my champagne to her and our glasses collided. "Cheers" we both said. I am not sexually attracted to Indian girls in generally although she was extremely americanized and very sexy. I moved my eyes on the other girls in that group and was immediately attracted by a petite, perky looking girl standing right next to me. It only seemed natural for me to raise my champagne to her since I just did same thing to her friend, so that is what I did. She was a bit caught off guard, nevertheless raised her glass to mine and we "cheered" and smiled, that opened up conversation. And guess what, she was drinking water only, I exchanged small talks. She studied International trade and currently works at a foreign consulate in downtown financial district. God, she is beautiful, in a way that I don't want to just fuck her, but have her as a real girlfriend. Her looks contain a bit asian flavor, very classy. However according to her, she is european all the way. In fact, her friend Hadi, a blonde girl standing next to her seemed a bit less shy and we exchanged names before carmen and I did. I then asked carmen "don't you know what my name is?" I half-laughing, she smiled "what is yours", "Grant" Hadi leaned over to her ears and told her. I like hadi, she seemed to sense that there is something going on between Carmen and I and she was happy to be matchmaker. Both of them drank water, I told her it looked sexy as "dirty martini" and Carmen smiled again. I also concluded "Friday is a nite for good girls, Saturday is for bad girls" they all laughed...great times.
I did not want to, mean to, intend to, but chemistry happened, that is how meeting people is supposed to be done.
By the time I hit home, I got an idea: I will send a bouquet of flower to Carmen.