I am all about starting up companies
Yes, that is right. I am the asian version of Jerry Kaplan, the founder of many companies including Go.com, Onsale.com, egghead.com: I can not believe there are people with such a similar mindset as mine. Risk taking, uncertainty, entrepreneur spirit, unbiasedly optimistic, funny ;)(yes, I am), and I believe we all love women...he was giving advices on Entrepreneurship, one impressed me most is his definition of leadership. Leadership shines the best during difficult time. Strong leadership is not about pushing others to get things done. Strong leadership, in Jerry's word, is to "combine different sides oppinions" when there is conflict and being able to reach conclusion and compromise that both sides can work effectively together. It's an ability to make decision when it's needed. He is funny on making decision on when the product will be due which he claimed he had NO IDEA when SHOULD be the correct timing. But when everyone else is arguing and confusing, he called it off and draw the line: Jan. 20. It could be Feb. 15, god knows why it should be Jan. 20. But hey, people don't need discussion, when it's the right time, make the call!And I met the CEO of friendfinder.com and chat and introduced him to Alex and Ceicilia. Tonight's event was one of those rewardings I seldom feel strongly. This is the great content that just got lost in the dust when the event is over. Why can't we just treasure them by building a mobile vedio taping team to vedio tape event like this and publish on the Internet so people can access remotely? I told this idea to a group of friends loudly. Ceicilia is particularly interested and wanted to talk more.
Jonathen, the Harvard educated WSGR lawyer clicked well with me on Entrepreneurship. He mentioned his so called "collective knowledge" idea, which is using people's response to collectively reflect the "correct" answer if others posted their questions on the Internet. However the critical thing is to get to the market, and make it entertaining. He asked if I am interested in developing such idea with him, I encouraged him to write up an E.S., don't delay, don't wait, and pass it along to whoever might be interested. The key is to believe in your vision and make people feel that.
Oh, what a night!!