Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I am the problem

I know I should not have done that, but I did it anyways. I yelled at my parents on the phone for some mistakes I made. I hate chore, paper work and anything involved with it. The problem is that my parents need me to send them the "power of attorney" so they can sell their house, which they put under my name. In order to get this power of attorney, I need to go to the Chinese consulate to fill up the paperwork, get it notarized (by a Chinese notary agency), send to state of secretary in Sacramento, and wait to get the state seal, which is usually a 4 weeks wait. After that, I need to bring the paperwork back back to Chinese consulate to get their seal. The whole process takes $100 (about) and painful back-and-forth wait, leg work, paperwork that I absolutely hate. But I finally got it done, sent it all they way to China on global express, only to know that I did not fill the form correctly. Now I have to redo the whole process. And because of this, I got so frustrated with my parents, yelled at them for, one, putting the house under my name at the first place; two, did not figure out exactly what I needed before asking me to enter this lengthy, tiring process.

But they are old, I am the only son. And the process is not really that difficult should I do it right at the first place. Am I complaining too much? Should I complain at all?

I knew exactly how I should react when they told me the paper work is not right. I knew I should just be a good drifting son, telling them it's ok, I will just go redo the process, instead of having them worry, and feel sorry.

It reminded me the cases when I yelled at my ex(wife), I knew I should not sweat the small things, but I could not control, I let it out, the result? She felt mistreated, and we drifted apart.

Maybe I am the problem?


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