Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Real good advice in the bath room

As much as I love felicity, I respect her second counselor. There are lot of things that are meant to or not to be. She told felicity not to give up an opportunity to become a more interesting person. I wonder what I have done lately to become a more interesting person? Not my work, maybe a little windsurfing, a little stock market. Two years ago's Gambling experiences at Vegas pointing a 300 lbs bouncer telling him shut up or I would kick his ass without even knowing it, that made me a little more interesting. But lately, what have I done to become an interesting person. None, zero if it's not for the sake of being interesting. Going to cat and dancing like crazy made me a more interesting person, but it's been an old story, I wonder how long an old story like that will last. I need new adventure...


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