Sunday, September 05, 2004

New wave

It was completely not my expectation when I showed up at DNA lounge, I thought it would be just like last weekend, the 80's, the rock and roll. But it was all Asian, all hip hop. They look different, behave different, talk different, yes, I am Asian, and I am pround to be an Asian, to be specific, Chinese. Yet, I feel some much distant from all these Asian crowd. I feel more at home with 80's scene, no matter what race people are, they seem to be my type, they smile, behave, talk the same I do, they even shares the same looks I have, a man looks like a mature yet, flirtatious man, a healthy, smart, yet naughty boy. But people here are different, they seem to be superficial, too much booty. Girls appear to be trashy, slutty. By the end of night, I lost my entire desire to dance with anyone but getting trashy from one slut to another. What's the purpose?


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