Track & Field "Star"
I met Gordon, or Zhang liang, at QQ's house about a year ago. He is suprisingly athletic, energetic, open minded and even americanized. I often have a hard time to relate to anyone from Chinese oversea's students crowd since they mostly are uptight, non-althletic, a bit too patriotic, and of course super test friendly. Gordon is different, he is from Tsinghua, China's MIT, or I should say, China's Stanford since I am a Stanford guy:)So Gordon emailed me about this upcoming track field event asking for my help in 4*400 and 100 meters relay, which are my strong hold when I was in college. He even bought two pairs of track shoes!! We practiced a few days which proved my superiority on both events. So the rest things is to wait and see who are the other two stars!Here we go, Friday evening. Meet Eric and Jiang. We heard a lot about Eric's recent 1'6" record on 400 meters and his excellent training history on track field. Jiang is a bit reserved and humble who claims he is weakest link among us 4. I have no problem with Jiang, even though he has horrible teeth, sticking nose hair like a bush in the nose, and staff engineer title at Synopsys; not my type of friend but I won't give him hard time. After a long wait of almost a fucking hour, this fucking cocky Eric showed up. At the begining, we couldn't believe what we saw: this guy, 80% bald, glassed, with a beer belly, a tree truck like legs and white as tofu's skin. Is he joking with us? Him? Track? There is nothing close to be a track star in him. Zero!! He continued to claim the critical position in the relay like he wanted to run first or last. He doesn't think the trasition rule Gordon described us reasonable and he wanted to change. Fuck! Look at you!!! I was almost throw up by looking him, finally I proposed to run a 100meters to find out our speed. He tumbled first time, and I wasn't even giving 70% energy and still beat him by at least 10 meters, what the fuck do we need this clown for? And my 70% score is already 12"18, I am fully confident I can improve another 1 second if I give it a full attempt. I just don't want to compete in the same league with Eric, he sucked badly. Gordon hurt himself but I think he will be ok. As to Jiang, he did his best and never bullshit.
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