Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A passion that sounds real

Rollingstone magazine has incredible depth on understanding pop culture. I enjoyed it immensely. The most recent issue even smells good for its David Beckham's new line of perfume ads. I was chatting with Bo about passion. He asked me to do what I'm passionate about: it's easy to say then actually have one. So I blunted out: chicks and party are my only passion. Actually, not so much.

A year ago, the launch party I threw was a highlight of me throwing party but that was some stupid acts that I would never do again. Everything from now on will have a monetization element in it. As we are all growing older, I realized how important to be financially independant. I learnd it hard way.

Following is brief idea and rejuvenized passion:

I thought to register getreadyforparty.com, using my newly gained SEM expertise and passion for social to promote ultimate party style for everyday people: Be it fashionably late, wearing certain perfume, clothes, how to stand, walk, what to talk etc., it will be a place to promote only celebrity's name brand.

Then I started thinking: how can I combine this idea with groupmingle.com? I already have a fabulous website dedicated to partying, why set up another one? The next step would be to release v2.0 for groupmingle to adopt online forum regarding party style: every article will be contributed by a staff writer, dedicated to a celebrity brand name. This way, I hope groupmigle.com become a top site to help people improve their social skills, while gaining revenue through brand advertising.

Now I feel being passionate about groupmingle.com. I can't wait to go back to drawing board!


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