Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The first day in 10 month

That is right: 1st day since April 2006 that I actually woke up before 9am getting ready for work. That is the first day of my full time job: hey, when you are running out of cash during startup odyssy, it's time to get positive cash flow. Luckily, I really like my new job, you don't hear me talking about liking a job! But I actually do. First of all, I get to drive north toward SF everyday, 2ndly, there is no buroidical structure, 3rd and most importantly, it's the Internet stuff I breath and love everyday, and I got the corner office the first day!

You know what, movie marathon days are just a week old but it feels like ages; I eventually made the trip to famous bucks resturant at woodside: you are right, that famous bucks! And the horse silverado at Stanford barn licked all over my green jackets, but I loved the quiet conversation between us.


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