Saturday, December 16, 2006

How I searched and read the news

It's valleywag blog that started my search. I went to stirr's winter wonderland and saw a few familiar faces. Valleywag's site posted a few photos shot by a friend of mine, I am surprised to see Larry Chiang's photo cuz I have no idea what he did in the past although we did chat in last Stirr's party in Nov. He told me a few startup tips: 1, never make decision alone, 2. always have a mentor 3. never diverse, always focus. I searched his name, which led me to his Amazon profile/blog, where I found he actually published a few well sold books and "mentor marketing" is his new book or theory. From google's search results, I also found his profile on, which has high alexa ranking due to yahoo buyout. Then I saw Angie Chang, the founder of dying mint page. She is everywhere.

I started to wonder, remembering Dennis Yu's saying that you have to get the words out, is it necessary to crash every party I know, set up profile on every social network out there? Is it about marketing or is it about the market needs for the product you develop?

I think the fundamental is the useful product. Thinking back the crazy week when I spammed 30 US metropolitan CL and tons of blogs, it's not a problem for me to be virtually everywhere; I can do that again and will certainly do so once we release our new homepage/feature site this coming Moneday/Tuesday. But I see no need to overspend the time on these things. Real entreprenuerer spend time thinking and fine tuning product than partying.

There are too much noise and it's important to filter them while marching forward.


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