Saturday, November 26, 2005

What women bring to us

Is the peace. Sometime, a glimps from a girl can make all the world seems irrelevant, make me feel safe, cared. She does not have to be safe looking, she can look edgy, but still she will convey that feeling. That is strange is not it?

I guess this time is this little yoko looking French girl sitting among all these colllege aged French guys, I was looking for power outlet since my battery was about to die. I was walking around and passing the long table where all Frogs were sitting, a very speedy glimpse exchange between she and I assured my feeling. That was some high points of Nov, I should be Thankful. As I was just writing, she was there, all in red, like some gigantic red shirt her much bigger brother gave to her. She looks actually cute, with a hat. I still heard someone speak, I guess that was her...she makes me feel safe.

Listening to Madonna's music through the HI hostel's wireless internet, it feels cool and poetry, every time.


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