House of Nanking
It was a long drive around union area. Finally we decided to dine at this place called House of Nanking at China town of San Francisco, why, because I am from Nanking (or Nanjing) and my friend's white co-workers went there for "team building": that is definetely special given the repuation of noisy and lowkey Chinese resturant. People described as a hole in the wall: what I guess is it's so small (acutally not that tiny) and always so packed (really really). We are guided to a two people seat where we had a three really fat people sitting next to us to make it almost impossible to sit without touching elbows.Boss's daughter (I think so) is a laid back looking Chinese girl, you know, Chinese girl is normally stuck up if they ever have some looks. We told her that we are from Nanking and she said Peter Fang will take our order and stepped away, after a few minutes, this white haired laid back looking guy in his 60s came close to us and once we told him that we are from Nanking (not really after all these years living in the States), he nodded briefly and left. I was not sure what is going on until the girl told us the order has been taken and we just need to wait for a few. I thought it was a special for us from Nanking, and later, we knew that is not the case, he does that all the time and that is why white folks like this place, indeed, we looked around the crowd is really 95% white and good looking, hip generation. What is going on? I can't help to ask since that is normally not the case for a Chinese resturant at SF Chinatown.
Then I came to learn that it's all about marketing, word of mouth, the look and feel.
To be continued...
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