Sunday, June 12, 2005

That guy again

Every time I am on campus not for sporting event, I ended up seeing this guy showing up somewhere. It's unbelievable given how many years I have been around the area (since 1999). The least one should get within this time frame should be a phd without doubt. I took one class called "stochastic process" with statistics department spring of 2001 when he was in the same class. He is a little taller than me, about 6 ft to 6'1", very atheletic, buzzed up hair style as always. The moment I see him I know he is the kind who is only interested in white girls, or entirely Americanized. Somewhat like Felix, only more high energy and sociable. While we were at chemstry building for a "tour" to pinpin's lab and her newt, I saw him handholding this very pretty white girl who is obviously graduating today. She has a lot of freckles and up-turn nose that only adds her cutiness. "This is my wife" he introduced her to a white guy who is either his lab mate or some professor. I was impressed. She is the very type of the girl that I would probably fall for. Intelligent, beautiful, conservative, noble. I think she is probably the same one that I saw last time he holding hands with: maybe a year ago...


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