Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Lynn is back

As expected, she is back in town; as always, I picked her up. She turns other's favor into something that is flavorable, like what she did once again tonight, designed a super nice dish with sliced raw salmon and fresh salad, after I picked up 70% her shopping tab, delightfully. She lured Jim into a state of mind that she and he are both knowledge mapping thinker, or a visual thinker. While Nan called on my cell in an old fashion and claimed her intention to compete with me on beer drinking, she is also lured by Lynn's attractive offer of hot tub under the shinging star tonight at 11pm, so much that she has almost decided to come. 3 minutes before 11pm, she called again:"I really love the idea of coming over for hot tub but I am too sleepy to be up for that tonight, even though Lynn made that sounds very enticing, I guess I will pass this time". "Of course, go to bed if you are sleepy, if you want to stick to your mind, you can't listen to her voice, you can't see her, in fact, as long as you are remotely affected by Lynn's molucure, you won't be able to refuse it since she will always find her way to make it undeclinable. My method is to turn around and fart, and she will go away..." That is my kind of joke offered to Nan, but that is, indeed, true. It's good to her around.


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