Follow the best people, then I will be one of them
Tonight I did two things, on the way to boarders to investigate what the best people talk about in the wintersports world, I stopped stanford shopping center to pick up some overcoat that I spotted on the net. Good clothe is good for eyes to look at, but I realized that I didn't get much fun of it shopping for that. On the contrary, I am satisfied to read things about people who are the best of what they do. I even bought all three mags available in boarders just to find a chance to read what they do, wear, use and how they live. I have no intention to be a super ski star, but I do have an intention to be a best of,..., I don't know what yet. I know, given chances, I rather be a photographer without a home, than working a regular 9 to 5 job. I am continuing to search for the true meaning of my life.
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