Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Today is a day for many things to begin and end

My dad got out of hospital after a small surgery. Kevin the customer got his last day at work lunch treat from Erica and I. Dancy felt strongly that I don't like her enough to have a relationship. Billy the cat pooped at both restrooms and made quite a big mass. Our little venture eventually pulled out its first post spring break meeting. My cell phone just did not work out today at all to make even one decent phone call. What is human? What is human's affection toward each other? Could that affection be cultivated and become stronger as it grows? It's been more than a month that we hang out together, most of the time, I even felt living a life like a normal couple. But I am hiding something that I am so aware of yet can not tell her. What is so big to lose? I do not know. It is just like prior to breakup with Lydia: something was not right, You could feel it, but you do not wish to expose it to each other. There seem to be things that couples do that one person can not live without after getting used to. Something will be missing. How painful will it be? Ah, Dancy...those sunny days we were together, the funky haircut you gave me, those photos by the ocean with seaguls, those trips spent in that little hybrid prius, and my little new nest hidden in the palo alto's woods, hand made by you......I will be missing...


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