Sunday, May 08, 2005

A weekend life from Billy's eye

Billy is our cat. Her age is not confirmed but it's around 14 to 16 years old which is really really old for a cat. But she can jump and she can spin like a babe on the dance floor. Most of time, she converse, not just Miaoing, converse. She talks to me, when she is longely, disturbed, hungry, or just bored. She is very clean. I am used to have her sleep on my blanket or literally wherever she wants in my room. Most of the time when I have big goals of humankind in mind, I look at Billy and think a life owned by her must be extremely boring. She is almost indoor which makes her spent majority of her time in this New England style's house, which is quite comfortable, but not that comfortable so to spend 90% of life here, so I decided to try out a life like hers, this weekend. From getting up, going to bath room, having breakfast, randomly walking around, staring at nothing, taking a dope, in fact, a few dopes etc., a weekend Sunday seems passing by just like what it does to Billy.


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