Tuesday, July 06, 2004

War and Peace

Why people kill people
Why people let people suffer
Who is right
Who is wrong

What am I doing
What is my job title
Why is my job so significant
While others are dying

We live in peace
While others rush to frontline
Write down the pain of
those unknown brothers, sisters

Those Bagdad's old actors,
who struggle to find work
in a destroyed world

Those piano man
Playing in the rain of the bullets

Those lovers
acompany their loved ones
Recording the tragedy of humanity

Those mothers, fathers
who let unknown photographers, jounalists
shoot the picture of their dead sons, doughters

Those buautiful little girls
who never have chance
to put on makeup
wear pretty dress
Escaping, hiding
become life's norm

So what is my job
So why am I here


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